Saturday, September 27, 2014

Two takeout orders today

Felt bad for only going to OG once yesterday.  Hit up a couple different OGs for takeout.  Not too shabby. The second stop they even gave me a hand signed note.  I don't think I will ever look at Olive Garden the same after this is over.

For the record I estimate that I have received $165 of food!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


As usual dinner was take out 

Spaghetti with meatballs 

They let me have 8 breadsticks!

Lunch day 3

Soup today instead of salad. Cavatappi, spicy three meat sauce, and chicken fritta.

Nice view!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dinner day #2

Cavatappi with sausage and marinara.

They also gave me an extra serving of pasta and sausage!

So far so good and my pants still fit.

Day 2 lunch

Gluten free pasta today with 5 cheese marinara and sausage on top.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Trip #2 Day 1

Got some take out on the way home.  The GM wasn't aware that you can get to-go orders but agreed to give it to me until he verified the policy.  I printed out the frequently asked questions from the website explaining that you are able to get take out with the pass.  The are all very friendly in the restaurant including the GM.  The GM said that they ended up selling 5800 passes instead of the 1000 passes that the intended to sell because of the massive website traffic and they couldn't keep track.

First day!

My first meal with the pass today!

Salad, coke zero, Cavatappi with spicy three meat sauce and shrimp fritta topping.

Only ate less than half; took the rest to go.

First meal tasted great.